“To be kind and to care. Kind to themselves, the environment and to others. Care for themselves both physically and mentally and then care for others where possible,” is the sound advice offered to students from our Head of Findlay, Miss Rebecca Kerr.
Strathcona is a finalist in the Australian Educator Awards for Best Wellbeing Program and Rebecca is proud to be part of the team committed to nurturing students’ learning through physical and mental wellbeing.
What do you enjoy most about teaching?
The variety and fun that teaching provides on a daily basis; I will never be bored working in a school. However, the best thing about teaching is the relationships you develop with your students. Whether it is over a love of a subject, banter in the corridors, perfecting a response on a SAC or chatting about what’s on for the weekend, I am lucky I have taught such wonderful students.

What’s different about teaching at Strathcona?
I think at Strathcona there is a clear sense of community. Staff and students are genuinely interested in each other’s lives and want the best for one another other. Sadly, that is something you don’t achieve at all schools but here there is a warmness and strong relationship between our students, families and staff.
How long have you been in your role at Strathcona?
I have been teaching at Strathcona for four years now. I have been lucky enough to teach every year level here in the Senior School and have just taken on the role Acting Head of Findlay House for this semester. I am really enjoying getting to know the Findlay Family in its entirety and I am excited for the remainder of the year.
What inspired you to become a teacher?
I have actually always wanted to be a teacher since early primary school, which started out playing ‘schools’ as a bossy older sister… I changed my mind a few times and briefly tried my hand at some corporate work before coming back to the idea of teaching. I loved Psychology both at school and university and thought it would be a great subject to teach…I was correct!
What inspires you now in teaching?
My students and fellow teachers who are both incredibly hardworking and constantly doing their best. It is so satisfying seeing students achieve what they set out to, often through sheer hard work and I feel very proud seeing them succeed. It makes me want to continue teaching each year.

Do you have a highlight moment from your time at Strathcona?
Honestly, Findlay coming second at House Cross Country in 2018 was a pretty momentous occasion! I also love seeing the Year 12s letting their hair down at celebration day and the Valedictory dinner. It is a relaxed night and a great way to mark the occasion and formal transition into ‘adulthood’.
What do you enjoy doing outside the classroom?
My two ‘hobbies’ for 2019 have been planning our wedding and fully stripping and renovating the house we bought at the start of the year. I’m now quite handy on the demolition side of things and my construction knowledge is increasing every weekend. I can not remember life before going to Mitre 10 every weekend and I am thankful that 2020 is looking much more relaxed. Stay tuned!
What advice would you give students?
To be kind and to care. Kind to themselves, the environment and to others. Care for themselves both physically and mentally and then care for others where possible. Life is short, so try everything and find your passion.
One last note…
Find yourself a mentor and keep in touch with them. It is important to have a network you can tap into for advice and support when you need it.