Learn to Swim and Water Safety Program

Strathcona Swim School is a learn-to-swim program that incorporates stroke development and water safety.
Classes are open to the local community for children aged four and over. With experienced instructors building student confidence and capability, the mission of Strathcona swimming lessons is to equip students with life skills that will allow them to enjoy activities and assist them in achieving success in their active endeavours. Contact us to find out more information or to book into a program:
Strathcona Girls’ Grammar Aquatic Centre
34 Scott Street, Canterbury VIC 3126
Phone: (03) 8779 7533
Email: swimschool@strathcona.vic.edu.au
Click here to view the Strathcona Swim School Enrolment.
Click here to view the Learn to Swim and Water Safety Program Booklet.

Strathcona Swim School Program
Our thirty minute lessons are offered:
- Monday- Fridays at 4.00pm – 6.30pm; and
- Saturdays 8.00am – 12.30pm.
Junior Squad
Junior squad sessions run Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays 6.30 – 7.30pm
Strathcona Holiday Program
Four day intensive programs run in the January, April and September School holidays.
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 6

Junior Squad
Strathcona Swim School students are assessed throughout the term and will be progressed to the next level when deemed ready. Please remember that all students develop at their own rate. As your student progresses through the levels and the demands are different, please be patient and supportive as they develop the skills for the level.
Strathcona Swim School Staff
All Strathcona Swim School Instructors are Austswim or equivalent qualified. They bring experience and knowledge to the program. Every effort is made to have the same instructor each week, with staff committing themselves to the term. Unfortunately, things happen with illnesses, university timetable changes and other circumstances that may lead to a change in instructor. Our teachers endeavour to provide a positive and enjoyable lesson to the students within the classes, maintaining a professional approach to their teaching.
Enrolment Information
New Students
A Strathcona Swim School Enrolment Form will need to be completed and signed and returned to the pool office. Every endeavour will be made to place your child in the preferred class. Students will only be placed into a class upon successful payment. The minimum age for new student enrolment is 4 years of age.
Students currently enrolled in lessons at Strathcona Swim School will be asked to re-enrol for the next term in the final two weeks of the term. After that time, those places will be made available to students coming into the program or those that want to change lesson times. All students should be re-enrolled and paid up before the commencement of the next term.
- Lesson fees are $25.00 per session and are administered by term. New students will need to book in on a new student enrolment form.
- Private lessons are $75 per lesson and must be paid in advance.
- There are no make-up Private lessons, classes missed can be made in regular classes.
Fees are administered by term and are payable at the time of enrolment. Fees can be made by cash, cheque or credit card. Fees will be pro-rata adjusted if the student commences after the first week of lessons during term. All fees are non-refundable unless a medical certificate is provided.
Notification of Medical Conditions
Please notify Strathcona Swim School staff of any conditions or injuries which may affect the participation of the student prior to commencement of their first lesson.
Transfers will be provided for family members only. Transfers will be granted on presentation of a medical certificate for the member not being able to continue.
Cancellations or Refunds
Cancellations will be credited to the family for the next term. Refunds will only be provided with a medical certificate. Lessons will only be credited or refunded from the time of notification.
Important Information
Change of Lesson Time
Changes to lesson times can be made and are subject to availability for the requested day and time.
Change of Contact Information
If there are any changes to your personal contact information, please advise us so that our records are up to date.
Make Up Lessons
Students may attend a make-up lesson if a regular lesson is missed. Make up lessons are subject to availability and must be booked in advance. Make-up lessons must be taken in the same term as the lesson was missed, no credit or refund will be given for unused make-up lessons. In the event that a lesson is missed due to pool closure or the cancellation of a class, a credit will be arranged. Strathcona Swim School endeavour to inform participants in advance by phone or email.

Any child ten years and younger are not allowed into the pool area unless supervised at all times by a parent or carer sixteen years or older. Please make sure that you are actively supervising the child. Only children participating in lessons under the supervision of Strathcona staff may be in the pool.
Health Policies
Persons suffering from a communicable disease such as gastrointestinal illness or skin infections should not use the pool.
Change Room Policy
The use of cameras or mobile phones in the change rooms is prohibited. Women may bring pre-school boys (6 years and under) in their care into the female change room. Please make sure you use the private stalls. Men may bring pre-school girls (6 years and under) in their care into the male change room. Please make sure you use the private stalls. Staff change rooms are not accessible to the public.
Photography Policy
To ensure the safety and privacy of all individuals at our swim school, we kindly request that no photography be permitted on the premises. Your understanding and cooperation in respecting the privacy of our swimmers is greatly appreciated.
General Conduct
Strathcona reserves the right to dismiss or refuse entry to patrons for inappropriate conduct.
- Please enjoy your food and drink outside the pool area. Water is permitted within the facility. No glass is to be brought into the facility. Help keep our facility clean.
- Do not interfere with any pool or safety equipment.
- Animals are not allowed in the pool area.
Release of Liability
- The responsible person hereby gives the child or children under their care permission to participate in the Strathcona Swim School learn to swim program.
- The responsible person acknowledges that swimming instruction involves a degree of risk to the participant.
- The responsible person hereby releases Strathcona Swim School and Strathcona Baptist Girls Grammar School Ltd. from all liability to the full extent permitted by law for death, injury or loss caused through their child’s participation in swimming instruction and related activities conducted by Strathcona staff whether due to any negligent act, breach of duty, default or omission on behalf of Strathcona management, staff, members, or agents.
- The responsible person hereby gives consent for Strathcona staff to seek emergency treatment for the child or children under their care if required.
Contact Us
Strathcona Girls’ Grammar Aquatic Centre
34 Scott Street, Canterbury VIC 3126
Phone: 8779 7533
Email: swimschool@strathcona.vic.edu.au
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