How to Enrol

Strathcona accepts applications at any time for all year levels. We are an open-entry, independent girls’ school from Prep to Year 12, with a co-educational Early Years Campus. To assist you in your enrolment journey, we are pleased to outline below an example of what you can expect from your Strathcona start.

Learn About Strathcona
We invite you to come and experience Strathcona. Learn about our outstanding personal development programs and how our girls achieve to their fullest potential in all areas of life. With outstanding VCE results and limited places available, we invite you to book now to attend one of our upcoming Open Mornings or Request a Prospectus to learn more.

Submit an Application for Enrolment Form
Please submit an Application for Enrolment form to be considered for your preferred year level of entry. Copies of your child’s Birth Certificate, Immunisation Record (Medicare Statement), Citizenship Documents (such as Passport, Visa or Certificate), School Reports and NAPLAN summaries. There is a $200.00 non-refundable, administrative fee associated with this submission for each student.
If you are experiencing any difficulties with the online application process, please click here to download a printable document.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait
All applications are immediately placed on a Waiting List for your preferred year level of entry and you will receive confirmation of this from the Admissions Department. Our Admissions Department will be in contact with you as soon as a place becomes available or we commence the intake process for a main intake year level (such as Prep, Year 4, Year 5 or Year 7). Please see our Enrolment Terms & Conditions and Enrolment Policy for more information.

Enrolment Interview
All enrolments are subject to a successful enrolment interview. The enrolment interview is an informal conversation where we hope to learn more about your daughter, her interests, hobbies and learning strengths. This interview also provides an opportunity for your family to learn more about our school values, offerings, expectations of our students and more.

Letter of Offer
Once the enrolment interview has been conducted, the School may be in a position to provide a Letter of Offer and Enrolment Agreement inviting your child and family to join our community. To accept this place, we require a non-refundable enrolment fee of $2,000.00 to be submitted ($1,000.00 for ELC students) in addition to the completed paperwork, by the specified deadline.

Welcome to Strathcona
Once the required payment and paperwork has been received and processed by our Admissions Department, we will send you a letter confirming your child’s enrolment. Congratulations and we thank you for choosing Strathcona Girls Grammar.

Your Strathcona Start
Commencing at a new school signifies a time of growth and tremendous possibilities. Transition, therefore, is of fundamental importance for your child as it ensures they are fully supported as they continue or commence their learning journey with Strathcona. We will be in contact with you in the months leading up to Day 1 as your family prepares to join the School and also throughout the first few weeks of attendance. Our structured Orientation Programs are designed to support a strong start at Strathcona.
PLEASE NOTE: This is the application journey for domestic students. If your daughter is, or plans to, attend Strathcona on a 500 or similar visa, please click here for information about how to apply as a Full Fee Paying Overseas / International Student.

Our Registrar is here to support your Strathcona start.
Julie has worked in education internationally and here in Australia, first as a teacher and now as a Registrar, and passionately supports the power of girls’ education. Contact her today to find out more about the Strathcona offerings and more.