Advice for the return to school: Year 9

Adolescent years are a time of change and development, a time of curiosity, growth, exploration and independence. As the new school year begins, Tay Creggan students eagerly anticipate the unique opportunity to learn on a different campus, building strong connections with their peers and a chance to experience a year like no other. Karyn Murray, Head of Tay Creggan, shares some helpful tips on this transition into Year 9.

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Tip 1 – Expect the unexpected!

You are returning to a new Campus – so expect things to be different, and new and unique and embrace it. There will be plenty of teachers to support you, but be ok with not knowing everything straight away.

Tip 2 – Return with a positive attitude

Having optimism and a positive approach can make a huge difference when you start a new year. Smile, meet new people, ask questions and find things that inspire you. Try not to judge other people, but be inclusive and kind to all.

Tip 3 – Get organised

Being organized allows you to start on the front foot. Name your belongings, sort out your folders, read your English text, make new folders on your computer. Make sure that your Myki is topped up and plan your route to school – above all, if you have new shoes – wear them in at home to avoid blisters!

Tip 4 – Return to routines

Establishing your school routine can be tiring, so beginning before school starts is very helpful. Go to bed a little earlier and get used to waking earlier.  Get used to switching off technology before bedtime.

I can’t wait to meet the class of Tay Creggan 2023! Feel free to drop me an email anytime on

Karyn  Murray, Head of Tay Creggan.