12 December 2022 – VCE Results Day
“Thousands of VCE students wake up to their final results.” On 3AW Breakfast, Scott Sweeney, Head of Humanities and VCE Coordinator was interviewed ahead of the release of the VCE results. Click here for the full interview or listen below.

Mahalakshme Thiagarajan, Strathcona’s Dux for 2022 with an outstanding ATAR score of 99.80 spoke with Fox FM and Triple M the morning she received her results.
Listen to the recordings below.

On the 3AW website, Anna’s video receiving her results has been shared.
Maha’s result video has been published online on the Herald Sun. You can watch it here.
This is also across, The Courier Mail, Cairns Post, Adelaide Now and Geelong Advertiser.
Results: Strathcona Girls Grammar
By Nicole Precel, The Age online, 12 December 2022
Strathcona Girls Grammar student Anna Orelli was shaking just before she opened her results this morning.
“It’s now or never. I can’t do it, I can’t do it,” she said.

But she had nothing to worry about, as Orelli achieved an ATAR of 99.
Strathcona Girls Grammar principal Marise McConaghy said she was thrilled with Strathcona’s class of 2022. Fifty-two per cent achieved an ATAR of 90 or above, and 11.8 per cent got an ATAR of 98 or above. The cohort achieved a median score of 90.1.
Four students got a perfect study score of 50 across chemistry, global politics, health and human development and psychology, with 25.1 per cent of students gaining overall study scores at or above 40. The dux of the school achieved a 99.8 result.
“The results achieved by this year’s cohort truly reflect the incredible dedication, perseverance, and hard work put in by each student and their teachers, and the wonderful support from parents. We are immensely proud of each and every one of them,” she said.
Student Maha Thiagarajan said she had butterflies in her stomach before and after opening her results.
“It was a lovely surprise to see how well I’d done in my favourite subjects – biology and chemistry. Now I have options for the future which I’m hoping will include Monash medicine. I never expected this result and I’m very excited to become a girl in STEM.”