Connecting alumnae

Strathcona community
StrathconaConnect is an online platform which will, for the first time, bring together our powerful network of Strathcona women across all graduation years, providing opportunities for professional development, mentoring, networking and volunteering. It is a place where our alumnae can find old friends and make new ones, create interest groups, post and attend events, seek help, and offer it.

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Needless to say, 2020 has presented us all with challenges we never could have seen coming. For many of us, the effects of Covid- 19 have been deep and enduring, whether personally, professionally or financially. The Strathcona alumnae team has been eager to support our alumnae in an authentic and meaningful way and so, as the challenges presented to us continue, they are pleased to finally be able to launch this brand new platform for the exclusive use of our amazing alumnae.

StrathconaConnect is an online platform which will, for the first time, bring together our powerful network of Strathcona women across all graduation years, providing opportunities for professional development, mentoring, networking and volunteering. It is a place where our alumnae can find old friends and make new ones, create interest groups, post and attend events, seek help, and offer it.

Built-in is a space for alumnae to post the details of their business (if they have one), offer or take advantage of special deals for alumnae, advertise a job, or even apply for one. Everyone knows the calibre of a Strathcona woman. This is an opportunity for our alumnae to be part of an incredibly special network full of intelligent, encouraging, nurturing, and empowering women.

We know that now, more than ever, we all need a little more TLC, along with the support of a community to which we belong. Registering is a quick and simple, no-fuss exercise.  If you are alumnae jump online now, sign up and start connecting.  The more women reconnecting, the more powerful our collective Strathcona networks will be.

If you have any questions or difficulties registering, please email Eliza Goding

Welcome to StrathconaConnect.